College Success Tip # 5
Take heed, and you will succeed!

Spring, Summer & Fall courses are quickly approaching, and students whether first time freshman or continuing students are eager to know what they can do to achieve success in their courses. If you want to be successful this school year take heed to these 6 tips.
1. LISTEN & Follow instructions.
Some students do not understand the importance of listening and following instructions. Time after time, I, as a Professor would inform students of upcoming assignments, due dates, and exams. I would ask students every day weeks before assignments were due if they had any questions, concerns, or complaints, and everyone would reply that they understood everything completely. The day before assignments were due, students would overload my email inbox with questions on how to complete what I went over in class. Also if students did not ask me questions, they would do assignments incorrectly, not following instructions. If you want to be successful this semester LISTEN & Follow instructions.
2. Show up in class, Attendance is very important.
If you are a college student, it would be wise to attend class regularly. Whether you are taking a face to face class, hybrid or an online course, show up! When you don't attend class you miss out on important information. Don't expect classmates and professors to go to class for you and provide you with updates, that is your job. College is an investment take it seriously.
3. Respect your Professor, Classmates and yourself.
Whether you are a high school student taking dual credit classes or an adult, be sure to respect your instructors, and classmates. Treat people with respect, don't try to manipulate instructors or classmates. Students in the past have disrespected me, and it leaves a terrible impression. Think about the present and how you treat people now, because you never know what instructor you will be requesting a letter of recommendation from tomorrow.
4. Read the Syllabus
The syllabus is your point of reference that your professor provides students with an overview of what the course is about, course assignments, quizzes, reports, etc. This document also includes information about your professor like their email address, office hours, and telephone number. If you want to stay on target or ahead, read the syllabus and complete assignments in a timely manner. Some professors even give a detailed description of course assignments and references to ensure you are successful in their class, but students who don't abide by the syllabus often don't do well in the course.
5. Turn in assignments on time
If student's read the syllabus, due dates are included. Do not turn assignments in late, and most importantly don't ask instructors to make special arrangements for you to turn your work in late. If you have assignments due, do them days before so you can avoid your computer malfunctioning at an inopportune time.
6. Ask Questions and participate in class discussions.
If you don't know or understand anything about the course assignments, homework, review sheets, or the course in general ASK the instructor to assist you. It is too easy to ask questions. Remember you are paying for your education, don't let anyone intimidate you into thinking you shouldn't ask questions. It's all about being informed.
Giving you something to think about,
Dr. Bryant