Determined To Follow Jesus - Bible Plan

The Determined to Follow Jesus - Bible Plan is available on the YouVersion Bible App today. The Determined to Follow Jesus Bible Plan & Discussion Questions will be available December 2017 on the BEPC Online Store, Please Check within the coming weeks.
Bible Plan Description:
Life presents so many individuals with numerous challenges. One may feel that God has called them for a special purpose but aren’t sure what to do or how God’s plan will unfold. In the Determined to Follow Jesus Bible plan readers will discover in scripture accounts where individuals were determined to follow Jesus in their uncertainties and how their obedience and faith produced victorious results.
Visit the YouVersion Bible App today and get engaged in this 8- Day devotional.
You can click the link below or the photo to be directed to the Bible Plan.
Peace & God Bless!
Aiming towards the Target,
Dr. Bryant