College Success Tip # 2

Class Attendance
Prospective & Current Higher Education Degree Candidates
Attend class regularly. By attending class on a consistent basis you will remain informed of class assignments, student expectations from your professor(s), and important annoucements.
As a professor I witness, so many students struggling to keep up, and pass courses, due to the lack of class attendance. Most college courses do not require students to attend class every single day (Unless you are enrolled in an accelerated or summer course). When students miss classes that only meet twice or three times out of the week, you would be surprised of how much you could miss out regarding a lecture, pop quiz, or important information. Don't depend on the professor to track you down, and tell you what you need to complete in order to earn a satisfactory grade in the course. Remember that is your responsibility. Attend class, stay determined and you will be surprised how far you will go.
Something to think about,
Dr. Bryant