Don't Allow Your Age to Negate Your Degree Goals.

Nervousness, Anxiousness, Doubt and Fear can try to “rear its ugly head” in to any individual who is ready to conquer a new level of attainment. Many of the higher education candidates I have the privilege of teaching, mentoring and consulting are between the age ranges of 16 -72 years old. A lot of people I’ve met have the misunderstanding that when they visit or enroll in a higher education degree program there is a set age range for the educational level of degree one is pursuing. For example some of my clients believe that a person obtaining an undergraduate degree should be between the ages of 17-24; and a person obtaining a graduate degree should be between the ages of 24-35. They believe that anyone going back to earn a degree outside those age ranges will have a hard time completing their degree plan. Sometimes this includes their thought about themselves.
It is time to debunk these misconceptions! When one steps foot on a college campus regarding the degree target, it is clear to see that there is diversity in age. You could possibly see a 45 year old pursuing their undergrad degree and a 25 year old pursuing their masters or law degree. Or you could see a 16 year old on a college campus taking undergrad courses because they are in a dual-credit program with their high school or a 65 year old taking grad courses in expectation of earning their doctorate degree.
I want to take this time to encourage you. If these negative thoughts came into your mind I have a response for you:
“Well maybe I’m too old.” - There might be someone older than you who completed the same task you are starting. Have faith and press forward!
“I’m not smart enough.” – Who told you that you were not smart? You are enrolling into school to gain additional knowledge, information, and skills. You are in the right place. Change your thoughts declare that you are smart, wise, a quick learner and GOD is working everything out for your good! (Romans 8:28)
“I’m not a young adult.” – Don’t compare yourself to others, because you don’t know what individuals will do with the gifts and opportunities GOD has given them. Focus on you and your completion. There are a lot of individuals who start and do not finish.
“ I don’t have the money.” – This might be a reality now, but if GOD has placed this desire in your heart, he will always provide a way for you and GOD will richly supply each and every one of your needs. Believe it and receive it. (Philippians 4:19)
“I will look crazy going to school with my child” – Define crazy. If you are going to school you are definitely not that. You will be blessed having the opportunity to go to school during the same season as your child. Your child might even be thrilled to have someone to relate with. Also the both of you are changing the financial, social and achievement dynamic within your family. Also although you are going to school during the same season your child is, you don’t know what GOD has for you to do during this time. (Esther 4:14)
“Obtaining a higher ed degree is for smart people.” - If that is true in your mind, what is taking you so long to enroll, Do it Now!! You are smart!
“The economy is not conducive to me going to school.” – You live by a different economy, the kingdom of GOD.
“I’m to young.” - GOD has a plan for you. “Don’t let anyone look down on you because you are young, but set an example for believers in speech, in conduct, in love, in faith and in purity.” 1 Timothy 4:12
“I won’t be able to keep up.” – According to whose standards? Don’t be negative speak positive! Read Luke 6:45
“What if I fail?” – What if you don’t! What if you succeed! Speak positive! Change the direction of your situation by changing the direction of your thoughts and mouth!. Read Proverbs 18:21.
The misconceptions regarding age and fear if accepted will only result in an individual NOT following God’s plan for their life but also not receiving all GOD has for them in their lifetime.
If the Holy Spirit is prompting you to further your education, or encourage someone to complete their degree don’t delay, get into agreement and aim for the target of success.
Scripture Reference:
Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your GOD will be with you wherever you go.”
Joshua 1:9
Giving you something to think about,
Dr. Bryant