College Success Tip # 32 - Study Cap

Making the Most of every opportunity, because the days are evil.
Ephesians 5:16 NIV
Now that you are aware of the importance of finding a suitable Study Environment for maximum academic progress, it’s vital to understand your Study Cap. Your Study Cap is a phrase I’ve coined to determine the time limit a Higher Education student should devote to studying. A lot of students have no idea how to study let alone, how long to study but here are some tips to help assist Higher Education students on the target of Higher Education success.
Many of my students who are first-time, full-time degree seeking students as well as first-generational students want to do their very best in school so sometimes they Many students don’t do this intentionally but they’ve never been taught how to study and sometimes the importance of studying.
In Higher Education, students must become aware that the professor is the facilitator of the classroom and it is primarily the student’s job to delve into the subject matter in discovering key concepts, keywords and key points needed for overall academic success in the course all whilst retaining the information in one’s long term as well as short term memory.
Since Higher Education is nothing like High school and grade school where teachers constantly go over course material for students to comprehend, students in college must in a sense teach themselves to get a clear understanding on what the instructor expects from them in the course matter.
How Many Hours a Week Should I Commit To Studying?
Dr. Jane Perkyns was my applied music instructor at Texas Southern University, not only was she my music instructor she taught several music courses and told each of her students the importance of studying and a suggested study cap that if consistently done will lead to success, which I’ve implemented and discovered to be effective in my own life and that is…………..
For every ONE (1) CREDIT HOUR in which you enroll in a Higher Education course students should consider spending ONE (1) HOUR for that course a week.
So that means if you are enrolled in a THREE (3) Credit Course, sometimes identified as ONE CLASS, a student should consider spending THREE (3) HOURS a week for that course.
That sounds reasonable but the commitment takes place when you are enrolled in (4) FOUR, (3) CREDIT COURSES, that total TWELVE (12) CREDIT HOURS A WEEK. A Student should consider spending an additional (12) HOURS A WEEK in studying.
How Many Days Should I Study?
I have only given you a recommendation. Students don’t have to follow it but it is a good start to determine how you can modify your study habits to make them suitable for you and your schedule. ONE hour of committed study time might sound like too much for you and after studying you realize that you only need 30 – 45 minutes. That is great! Do what works for you but remember consistency is key! So if that means spending a few hours a day studying to reach higher education goals go for it. But some individuals target academic success when they commit to 3 days a week, 2 days a week, 4 days a week, it all depends on your schedule and what you have to do outside of school also. But remember consistency is key.
How Long Should I Study?
Now that you aware of how much time one should consider applying towards academic study, the question is How long should I study? This all depends on you and your schedule. It is important to ask God for wisdom and guidance for your study methods and study times so that you can maximize on the time He has granted you for that day. But one recommendation is not to study STRAIGHT from 10:00 a.m. – 9:00 p.m. this will cause a lot of issues.
Should I Take Breaks?
YES! YES! YES! I recommend that individuals study for an hour with a break either in between a study session or towards the end. For example, someone is studying for Bird Watching 101 they have a test and they have chosen to study for one hour from 2:00 p.m. – 3:00 p.m. the study session breakdown is as follows:
2:00 p.m. – 2:30 p.m. (30 minutes) – Studying (Reviewing notes, identifying key words, etc.)
2:30 p.m. – 2:40 p.m. – (10) min. BREAK (Go stretch your legs, walk around, drink some water, eat snack, reflect, rest your eyes, etc.
2:40 – 3:00 p.m. (20 minutes) Resume Studying
3:00 p.m. – Study Session ended
Should I Create a Study Session Schedule?
Feel free to visit the Bryant Educational Planning & Consulting On-Line Store today to obtain your “Study Session, Time Sheet”.
Following a study schedule is vital and is helpful for your overall academic study as well as routine.
Peace & God Bless.
Aiming Towards the Target,
Dr. Bryant