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College Success Tip # 43 - Distractions Vs. Oppportunities

No temptation has overtaken you that is not common to man. God is faithful, and he will not let you be tempted beyond your ability, but with the temptation he will also provide the way of escape, that you may be able to endure it.

1 Corinthians 10:13

College is a place where many memories are established. A lot of people meet some of their very best friends on a college campus.

Some individuals met their true loves, business partners, colleagues and so much more on campus whilst being actively engaged in clubs, extracurricular activities, sororities, fraternities, athletics, events and so on.

With all of the activities going on inside and outside of the classroom Higher Education students must weigh the options regarding the importance of identifying campus distractions and campus opportunities.

Although some great things are produced when one engages in on campus activities discernment, wisdom, understanding and knowledge is vital as it relates to one’s primary target which is Degree attainment.

When one is considering engaging and participating in on campus activities and off campus activities some questions to ask one’s self include:

  1. Will this activity distract me from my studies?

  2. Am I spending too much time on the activity than my homework and Higher Education completion targets?

  3. Is my academic life suffering because of this activity?

  4. What are my reasons for joining this organization, club, group, etc.?

  5. How will this on campus or off campus activity benefit me as it relates to my educational and professional goals?

  6. Is it a hassle to join or be a part of the activities, organization, club?

  7. Is there a decline or neglect in my studies due to this organization, club or activity?

  8. Am I I defending my neglect or decline in school studies to justify being a part of this club, extracurricular activity or event?

  9. Are the people associated with the outside extracurricular activity sharpening me?

  10. Have I considered what the trusted loving individuals in my family say about my involvement in this extracurricular activity?

  11. Is this something I want to commit to or am I doing this because of a tradition or to gain acceptance?

  12. Have I thoroughly researched the organization or extracurricular that I am considering joining to determine if I want to be associated with it?

Consider analyzing what you are committing yourself to as you aim towards your academic and God honoring targeted goals.

Peace & God Bless,

Aiming Towards the Target,

Dr. Bryant

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